An introduction from Karen Moorhouse, CEO of the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA)

The second quarter of 2024 has been another productive period for the ITIA, supporting our members’ events at every level, from International Tennis Federation (ITF) World Tennis Tour competitions to the Grand Slams of Roland-Garros and Wimbledon.

Involvement at these competitions can vary, but our presence at Grand Slams is often a case of providing experienced support to ensure that the highest-profile events on the tennis calendar run smoothly, alongside using the opportunity to engage with the tennis family.

It has been three years since the ITIA became an independent entity, and the organisation continues to evolve day by day, focused on serving our members and those involved in their events with an empathetic and approachable integrity body, protecting the sport and its members from doping and corruption.

Last year, we produced our inaugural set of values, which provide the guiding principles for ITIA staff in the way that we engage with stakeholders in the tennis network, and approach daily operations.

Building on those foundations, in the past few months, our senior executive team and Board have been working to outline our strategy for the period 2024-2027, which includes identifying strategic focus areas and a refreshed vision for the ITIA. From the outset, the prevention of integrity breaches has been at the heart of the ITIA’s approach. We know that this requires hard work and collaboration among the entire tennis family, alongside a strong education programme, and an intelligence-led approach to risk factors.

Our strategy touches upon all these considerations and we look forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks.

Education and prevention update

The second quarter of 2024 saw a continued focus on the education of junior players, providing the next generation of professionals with a strong understanding of integrity matters.

The ITIA has delivered sessions at a number of key events on the junior calendar, including junior Roland-Garros, and preparations for junior Wimbledon at Roehampton. We remain committed to working in partnership with stakeholders in the tennis family, and have also delivered education programmes for junior players at Tennis Europe events and the ITF wheelchair World Team Cup in Antalya, Turkey.

Another key focus for the ITIA is our work alongside officials, whose input is vital in upholding integrity at all levels across the tour. Engagements in the second quarter of 2024 include delivery at the White Badge Officiating School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Meanwhile, collaboration with the regulated betting industry continues. In April, our Director of Intelligence, Nick Iliffe presented at the Gaming Labs International (GLI) Roundtable Summit alongside the International Betting Integrity Association.

The GLI Roundtable event was attended by over 380 worldwide gaming regulators including, representatives from North America, Latin America and Australia. Given the evolving betting integrity landscape in North America, the event provided a timely opportunity to give an overview of the work of the ITIA to regulators, enhance existing relationships and develop new ones.

Sanctions and Provisional Suspensions

Players and officials – TADP sanctions

Sydney Dorcil’s appeal against a four-year TADP sanction was dismissed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Players and officials – TACP sanctions

Luis Horna - $10,000 fine

Eduardo Agustín Torre – five years

Alejandro Mendoza – lifetime

Jorge Panta – three years

Nico Langmann - $10,000 fine

Emanuele Bastia – four months and two weeks

Armando Belardi - lifetime

Mohamed Ali Abibsi – two years and six months

David Gorsic – six months (three of which suspended)

Steven Nguyen – three months

Jasmina Tinjić – six years

Provisional Suspensions

Nikola Bartunkova (TADP)

Match alerts

In the second quarter of 2024, the ITIA received a total of 19 match alerts through its confidential Memoranda of Understanding with the regulated betting industry.

Tournament Type

Q2 2024

ATP - Challenger 50


ATP - Challenger 75


ATP - World Tour 250


M15 - Mens - World Tennis Tour 15s


M25 - Mens - World Tennis Tour 25s


W15 - Womens - World Tennis Tour 15s




A note about match alerts:

Every alert reported to the ITIA is recorded, assessed and followed up as an indicator that something inappropriate may have happened. It is important to note that an alert on its own is not evidence of match-fixing.

Unusual betting patterns can occur for many reasons other than match-fixing – for example incorrect odds-setting; well-informed betting; player fitness, fatigue or form; playing conditions and personal circumstances.

The number and distribution of alerts are reported quarterly. Care should be taken in drawing any conclusions about prevailing corruption across the tennis ‘pyramid’ as there are many more matches at the bottom than at the top. More complete analysis will be published in our annual report.

Where analysis of a match alert does suggest corrupt activity, the ITIA conducts a full, confidential investigation.

In addition, the ITIA considers intelligence from various sources, and encourages anyone with any concerns to contact the ITIA.

Tennis Anti-Doping Testing Programme – Q2 2024 testing figures

These figures outline the number of samples taken from players, not the number of tests (multiple samples e.g., urine and blood, can be taken from players when they are tested). All tests undertaken this quarter were with no notice.

The ITIA is responsible for the TADP across all members' tennis events. Tests in Q2 of 2024 took place at events ranging from ITF $15K level to Grand Slams at Roland Garros, with in and/or out-of-competition testing undertaken in 42 different countries.

Total Q2 Samples


Total samples



In-Competition – Urine





In-Competition – Blood





In-Competition – DBS





In-Competition – ABP










Out-of-Competition – Urine





Out-of-Competition – Blood





Out-of-Competition – ABP










ABP = Athlete Biological Passport

DBS = Dry Blood Spot


Published 15 July 2024 15:00