The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) has today published its three-year strategy for 2024-2027. 
The publication of the strategy, the first since the ITIA became an independent entity and assumed responsibility for tennis’ anti-corruption and anti-doping programmes, underlines the organisation’s core commitment to delivering a transparent integrity programme, and is available to read in full by clicking here

Since its inception, the ITIA has put prevention at the heart of its work, placing ever-increasing importance on working collaboratively with all members of the tennis family – including players, their support teams, coaches, and administrators – to ensure that individuals are well-informed and have a strong understanding of the rules and their responsibilities. As such, the strategy focuses as much on education, engagement, and prevention of breaches as it does on intelligence, investigations and cases.  

The strategy, developed by the ITIA senior executive team and the organisation’s Board, has identified five key priorities for the strategic period. These are: 
- Education 
We will work to reach players, support staff and officials through all effective channels. We will focus on key stages of their development to inform, education and promote good decision making 
- Support and Engagement    
We will listen and learn, answer questions, give advice and provide information to help individuals make informed decisions and understand the rules 
- Risk and Evolving Landscape 
We will assess risk and trends and respond accordingly. We will work in partnership with other sports and integrity bodies 
- Process 
We will ensure that our rules and processes remain fit for purpose, are communicated clearly, and understood 
- Case Management 
We will manage investigations and cases in line with our rules and according to their specific circumstances whilst acting fairly, efficiently and sensitively. We will act with appropriate transparency 
The strategy outlines, in further detail, how the ITIA will deliver against these priorities, alongside refreshing the organisation’s vision, mission, and goals. 
Speaking on behalf of the ITIA Board - which is made up of representatives from the ITIA’s Members, the ATP, WTA, ITF, and Grand Slams, alongside five independent non-executive directors – ITIA Chair Jennie Price CBE said: “We are confident that the vast majority of tennis matches played across member events, and the players we all watch and enjoy, are fair and honest.  
“But we are not naïve to the threats posed by those who may seek to manipulate matches or gain advantage through breaching the anti-doping rules.  
“As a sport, tennis takes this very seriously, and recognises the clear links between high standards of integrity and elite development and performance, attracting investment, entertaining and increasing its fanbase, and, ultimately, extending global participation.” 
CEO Karen Moorhouse, who has led the executive team at the ITIA since February 2023, said: “The sport, and the world as a whole, has changed dramatically in the three years that the ITIA has existed. 
“However, threats to integrity have remained, and this strategy is evidence of the ITIA’s commitment to continuing to review, refresh, and evolve to effectively tackle anti-doping and anti-corruption challenges, in as transparent a manner as possible. 
“Since the formation of the ITIA in 2021, our work has evolved significantly, based upon learning and listening to members of the tennis family. 
“Much of that learning is reflected in the strategy we have produced, and I am looking forward to the challenge of leading the ITIA to realise our potential as a high-performing, empathetic, and trusted body.”  
To read the strategy in full, click here
The ITIA is an independent body established by its tennis members to promote, encourage, enhance, and safeguard the integrity of professional tennis worldwide. 




Published 14 August 2024 15:00